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LINUX Basics:-

  • Unix and linux difference
  • Linux File system structure
  • Basic linux/unix commands
  • Changing file permissions and ownership
  • Types of links soft and hard link
  • Filter commands
  • Simple filter and advance filter commands
  • Start andstop services
  • Find and kill the process with id and name
  • Package installation using RPM and YUM

Introduction to Devops:-

  • Define Devops
  • What is Devops
  • SDLC models,Lean,ITIL,Agile
  • Why Devops?
  • History of Devops
  • Devops Stakeholders
  • Devops Goals
  • Important terminology
  • Devops perspective
  • Devops and Agile
  • Devops Tools
  • Configuration management
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment
  • Introduction to Cloud computing 
  • What is cloud computing
  • Characteristics of cloud computing
  • Cloud implementation models
  • Cloud service models
  • Advantages of cloud computing
  • Concerns of cloud computing
  • GIT: Version Control:-
  • Introduction
  • What is Git
  • About Version Control System and Types
  • Difference between CVCS and DVCS
  • A short history of GIT
  • GIT Basics
  • GIT Command Line
  • Installing Git
  • Installing on Linux
  • Installing on Windows
  • Initial setup
  • Git Essentials
  • Creating repository
  • Cloning, check-in and committing
  • Fetch pull and remote
  • Branching
  • Creating the Branches, switching the branches, merging the branches
  • Chef for configuration management
  • Overview of Chef
  • Common Chef Terminology (Server,
  • Workstation, Client, Repository etc.)
  • Servers and Nodes
  • Chef Configuration Concepts
  • Workstation Setup
  • How to configure knife
  • Execute some commands to test connection between knife and workstation
  • Organization Setup
  • Create organization
  • Add yourself and node to organization
  • Test Node Setup
  • Create a server and add to organization
  • Check node details using knife
  • Node Objects and Search
  • How to Add Run list to Node
  • Check node details
  • Environments
  • How to create Environments
  • Add servers to environments
  • Roles
  • Create roles
  • Add Roles to organization
  • Attributes
  • Understanding of Attributes
  • Creating Custom Attributes
  • Defining in Cookbooks
  • Data bags
  • Understanding the data bags
  • Creating and managing the data bags
  • Creating the data bags using CLI and Chef Console
  • Sample data bags for Creating Users.
  • AWS:-
  • Creating AWS account
  • Free tier Eligible services
  • Understanding AWS Regions and availability zones
  • EC2 ( Elastic Cloud Comput)
  • About EC2 and types , Pricing
  • EIP ( Elastic IP address), Allocating, associating , releasing
  • Launch windows and Linux Instances in AWS
  • Connecting windows and Linux instances from windows desktop and Linux machines
  • S3 ( Simple Storage Service)
  • About AWS Storage services, EBS and S3
  • Creating S3 Buckets and putting objects in bucket
  • Discussion about Bucket Properties
  • S3 Pricing
  • About S3 glecier
  • EBS ( Elastic Block Storage)
  • Types of EBS Volumeso Creation, attaching and Detaching volumes
  • ELB ( Elastic Load Balancer)
  • Understanding the load balancing
  • Configuring ELB and adding the webservers under ELB
  • Auto Scaling
  • Types of Scaling ( Horizontal and Vertical)
  • Configuring Launch Configuration
  • Creating and defining the auto scaling group policy
  • IAM ( Identity Access Management)
  • Understanding of AWS Security using IAM
  • Definition of Roles, policies and Groups
  • Creating IAM Users and managing password policies
  • RDS ( Relational Database server)
  • About RDS and available RDS Engines in AWS
  • Configuring MYSQL RDS service
  • Connecting EC2Instance to RDS Instance
  • Puppet for configuration management
  • What is Puppet?
  • How puppet works
  • Puppet Architecture
  • Master and Agents
  • Puppet terminology and about Manifests
  • DockerContainers
  • Introduction
  • Architecture

Training highlights:

  • 100% Practical Training + Live projects
  • In House Placements
  • Training by experienced mentors cum developers.
  • Daily assignments & notes will be provided.

About ToXSL:

  • Tremendous Growth Opportunity!!
  • Work with the newest and most cutting edge technologies!
  • High Visibility, Autonomous Role in a Collaborative Environment!
  • Outstanding Work/Life Balance!
  • Competitive Compensation, Benefits, and other Perks!!

GRAB THE OPPORTUNITY, Call now on 9569127788 or email your resume at: training@toxsl.com

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